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What happen to our body when it’s too acidic

By 26th July 2018No Comments

A lot of health experts have put emphasis on how beneficial it is to our body when we keep our pH level in our body balanced. But have you wonder what are the implications to our body when it is too acidic?

Digestive System

Excess acid in our gastric region together with the lack of alkaline minerals in the intestinal tract can bring about digestive disorders like indigestion, bloating, gastric reflux. Also it can bring about exhaustion to our pancreas and when that happen, it loses the capability to decode food and tell the body what to do with it thus bringing about confusion and inflammation to the organs.

Immune System

Acidic environments are breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens whereas the high levels hydrogen of rich body fluids keep bad bacteria inactive. Whether bad bacteria and pathogens incubate or remain dormant, all depends on the ratio of cellular pH. The germ theory is a narrow view that has been adopted by the current medical establishment, which conveniently relies on a profitable cut, burn, and poison approach to sickness. Surgery, radiation, and pharmaceutical drugs are an invasive approach that is ineffective because they works against the body’s natural functions to heal itself, and it fails to address the underlying cause and only treats the symptoms.

Respiratory System

When our tissues and organs are too acidic, it brings obstructions to the transport of oxygen in our body. Like us, our cells need to take in oxygen as well so a to clear acidic carbon dioxide to function. If the ratio of acidity is too high, mucus, infections and virus will start to build up in our lungs and can bring about illness like cold, asthma and others.

Integumentary System

When body’s pH is not balanced, acid in our body will build up, cause inflammation and will lower the functionality of our skin as a protection against infection. When that happen, lesions and sores open to the surface of the body, and the formation of skin eruptions occur like pimples or rashes.

Urinary System

Our urinary system is made up of multiple organs with kidneys being the main one. It filter fluids and purify our blood and if the body is overwhelmed by excess acids, its compensatory mechanisms will start to kick in. One of the action is the extraction of alkaline minerals from our bones and adding them in the blood. If this process was to happen frequently, minerals will build up in the kidneys and painful kidney stones will be formed.

Muscular System

Muscles performance are reduced in acidic environment as it will disrupts the metabolism breakdown of glucose and oxygen to energy. When that happen people tend to inhale large gulp of air while doing simple tasks like walking, as their body find it hard to adequately deliver oxygen into the cells.

Digestive System

Excess acid in our gastric region together with the lack of alkaline minerals in the intestinal tract can bring about digestive disorders like indigestion, bloating, gastric reflux. Also it can bring about exhaustion to our pancreas and when that happen, it loses the capability to decode food and tell the body what to do with it thus bringing about confusion and inflammation to the organs.

Immune System

Acidic environments are breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens whereas the high levels hydrogen of rich body fluids keep bad bacteria inactive. Whether bad bacteria and pathogens incubate or remain dormant, all depends on the ratio of cellular pH. The germ theory is a narrow view that has been adopted by the current medical establishment, which conveniently relies on a profitable cut, burn, and poison approach to sickness. Surgery, radiation, and pharmaceutical drugs are an invasive approach that is ineffective because they works against the body’s natural functions to heal itself, and it fails to address the underlying cause and only treats the symptoms.

Respiratory System

When our tissues and organs are too acidic, it brings obstructions to the transport of oxygen in our body. Like us, our cells need to take in oxygen as well so a to clear acidic carbon dioxide to function. If the ratio of acidity is too high, mucus, infections and virus will start to build up in our lungs and can bring about illness like cold, asthma and others.

Integumentary System

When body’s pH is not balanced, acid in our body will build up, cause inflammation and will lower the functionality of our skin as a protection against infection. When that happen, lesions and sores open to the surface of the body, and the formation of skin eruptions occur like pimples or rashes.

Urinary System

Our urinary system is made up of multiple organs with kidneys being the main one. It filter fluids and purify our blood and if the body is overwhelmed by excess acids, its compensatory mechanisms will start to kick in. One of the action is the extraction of alkaline minerals from our bones and adding them in the blood. If this process was to happen frequently, minerals will build up in the kidneys and painful kidney stones will be formed.

Muscular System

Muscles performance are reduced in acidic environment as it will disrupts the metabolism breakdown of glucose and oxygen to energy. When that happen people tend to inhale large gulp of air while doing simple tasks like walking, as their body find it hard to adequately deliver oxygen into the cells.

You read it, you are aware of it, now it’s time to act on it. Keep your body strong not by just balancing your chi but by balancing your pH level.

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