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How Alkaline water can help improve your cooking

By 26th July 2018No Comments

We all know that alkaline water is great for drinking but did you know that it can also improve our cooking process as well?


Prepping the produce by washing it with alkaline water not only can get rid of chemicals on the surface but it can also cut down on the fishiness smell of seafood and help tenderize meat by soaking it.


Cooking in alkaline water helps keep the flavor of many foods, while cutting the bitterness and acidity of certain types. Unlike acidic water which is capable of breaking down the flavor of food, alkaline water can enhance the flavor of food. In addition, the water can also protect and retain many of the nutrients of ingredients which is killed off while cooking.

Drink With a Twist

Brewing your coffee and tea with alkaline water can bring out richer and more satisfying taste also it can reduce the acidity present in coffee. Tired of drinking plain old alkaline water? Try spicing things up by infusing the water with some of your favorite fruits like strawberries overnight. Not only does it brings in some flavor it is also easy to prepare.


Prepping the produce by washing it with alkaline water not only can get rid of chemicals on the surface but it can also cut down on the fishiness smell of seafood and help tenderize meat by soaking it.


Cooking in alkaline water helps keep the flavor of many foods, while cutting the bitterness and acidity of certain types. Unlike acidic water which is capable of breaking down the flavor of food, alkaline water can enhance the flavor of food. In addition, the water can also protect and retain many of the nutrients of ingredients which is killed off while cooking.

Drink With a Twist

Brewing your coffee and tea with alkaline water can bring out richer and more satisfying taste also it can reduce the acidity present in coffee. Tired of drinking plain old alkaline water? Try spicing things up by infusing the water with some of your favorite fruits like strawberries overnight. Not only does it brings in some flavor it is also easy to prepare.

Of course it would not be practical to purchase bottles of alkaline water just for the purpose of cooking. With AOX water dispenser, not only does it provide a healthier drinking water option but the water can be used to enhance our cooking experience as well.

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